Framework for Action - North Stoneham Planning and Management Framework, 1993


7.1 The Hampshire County Structure Plan and Eastleigh and Test Valley Borough local plan policies, relevant to controlling development and the use of land in the strategic gaps, are listed in Appendix 1. 

7.2 The policies set out below provide amplification of the local plan policies and provide a framework for action. 

7.3 The local authorities intend to take positive action, including early improvement works on publicly owned land, to encourage all interested parties to support the policies set out below and assist with the implementation of the proposals outlined on map 5. Opportunities for technical advice and grants will be included in discussions with landowners. 

Policy 1. Overall Landscape Improvements 

The planning authorities will prepare and initiate a programme of landscape improvements. Initially, priority will be given to: 

(a) the area of "Avenue Park", in particular: 

- the open space south of Chestnut Avenue; 

- the Avenue and Avenue Pond; and 

(b) land adjoining the M27. 

Policy 2. Additional Access 

The planning authorities will consider entering into negotiations with landowners to secure permissive access for informal recreation throughout the study area. These additional routes will complement the existing public footpath that runs through the site and provide a framework of public access into North Stoneham Park: 

(a) access through Home Wood to Park Farm, and Chestnut Avenue; and 

(b) access from Stoneham Lane to Avenue Pond, and Park Farm. 

Policy 3. Management Assistance and Land Acquisition 

The local authorities will provide advice, and offer grants, where appropriate, to landowners wishing to manage their land in a way that is sympathetic to this strategy. Consideration will also be given to the possibility of land acquisition in appropriate cases. 

Policy 4. Control of Development 

The planning authorities will review the need for limiting existing Permitted Development rights throughout the study area. 

A copy of "Direction Under Article 4 (No. 9)" under the Town and Country Planning General Development Order 1950 (covering the Eastleigh part of the study area) can be found in Appendix 2. 

Policy 5. Park Farm (see Fig. 2) 

Appropriate action (including enforcement action) will be taken, by Eastleigh and Test Valley Borough Councils, to remove the unauthorised storage facilities and touring caravans at Park Farm within the next five years. The local planning authorities will, as a long term objective, seek the removal of the residential caravans at the same site. 

Park Farm and Stoneham House (Fig. 2) 

Policy 6. North Stoneham House (Fig. 2) 

The planning authorities will initiate discussions with the owners of the grounds of the former North Stoneham House with a view to: 

(a) improving the setting of St Nicholas Church; 

(b) agreeing a programme for woodland management and further planting; 

(c) ensuring that the historic features (orangery, walled garden and ponds) are not further damaged, and where possible enhanced; and 

(d) improving public access. 

Policy 7. Avenue Park 

Avenue Park represents an outstanding opportunity to provide a large attractive public area for informal recreation within the Strategic Gap. The planning authorities are determined to take this opportunity to reverse the decline in environmental quality which has occurred in recent years. To achieve this objective, and enhance the existing parkland characteristics, the planning authorities will: 

(a) not permit the development of new buildings, the establishment of formal playing fields or other recreational facilities; 

(b) discuss with the owners how the management of the area can be improved, and Avenue Pond restored as a key feature in the landscape; and 

(c) prepare an overall landscape master plan for Avenue Park incorporating the following broad design guidelines: 

1. Enhancement of the screening around the urban edge of the parkland. 

2. Extension of views within the park. 

3. Removal of unsympathetic field and ownership boundaries. 

4. Safeguarding existing trees where appropriate with a planting and management programme to ensure continual enhancement of the parkland character. 

5. Creation of footpath links to Home Wood in the west and through to Stoneham House in the east. 

Policy 8. Jubilee Playing Fields 

Following a careful assessment of the existing situation, permission has been granted for a golf driving range on the Jubilee Playing Field. Eastleigh Borough Council has given careful consideration to the floodlighting and screening of this facility. The local planning authorities believe that the intensification of this type of development would be inappropriate within this plan area. However, the adjoining fields to the west and north could be used for some types of organised sports use. With care, the landscape here could absorb informal recreation use, although formal playing fields will not be encouraged unless the boundary trees and hedgerows are maintained and, where necessary, reinforced. To achieve this: 

(a) any further agricultural or open recreation use (formal or informal) on land adjacent to the golf driving range should be confined to the fields north and west of the Jubilee Playing Field; and 

(b) any ancillary facilities should be restricted to those which are small-scale and unobtrusive, with all boundary planting maintained and, if necessary, enhanced in keeping with the landscape character. 

Policy 9. Eastleigh Borough Council and AC Delco Playing Fields 

These playing fields contain significant historic landscape features. These include: hedgerows, ditches, tree belts, badger setts and remnants of the "park pale", therefore: 

(a) any extensions to the existing recreational facilities at the Borough Council and AC Delco Playing Fields should be small-scale and in keeping with the landscape character; 

(b) a planting and management programme will be encouraged to improve the boundaries, where necessary, and protect and enhance other boundaries which may warrant special attention; and 

(c) a public footpath is proposed from Stoneham Lane, through Eastleigh Borough Council land, linking to the existing public footpath through Park Farm. 

Policy 10. The Trojans and University Playing Fields 

Any change to the existing recreational facilities should not add to the urbanisation of this area. Negotiations will be undertaken to encourage a programme of landscape improvements and screening. 

Policy 11. Home Wood 

Management agreements will be sought with the landowner to: 

(a) encourage a general reversion back to broadleaved species and a resumption of the coppicing cycle where appropriate; and 

(b) provide permissive access to the wood to allow informal recreation. 

Policy 12. Chestnut Bottom Wood and Hardmoor Copse 

The planning authorities will discuss with the landowners ways to encourage appropriate management of the woodland.

Policy 13. Wessex Health Authority land 

The planning authorities will discuss with the Wessex Health Authority ways to: 

(a) encourage appropriate management of the woodland at Fred Woolley House to maintain ecological diversity and the retention of natural habitats; and 

(b) create access through to Home Wood. 

Policy 14. Stoneham Golf Club 

The planning authorities will enter into discussions with the Golf Club to agree with the landowners how to manage parts of their woodland in a way which encourages ecological diversity and retains natural habitats.