Prologue: Stoneham Park Races, 29th July 1914

They're off!
The day of the Stoneham Park Pony Races was exceptionally fine. Young Richard Willis Fleming's pony 'Swallow' came second in the 'One Mile Race for Ponies Not Exceeding 14 Hands'. As well as the racing, there was a baby show, and the North Stoneham & Chilworth Flower Show was held in the large room of the old mansion, where exhibits of flowers, fruit and vegetables were displayed. During the evening the Eastleigh Town Band played selections of music, and later on there was a display of fireworks.

Richard Willis Fleming on 'Swallow' and Jo Willis Fleming on 'Stella'.

Fashions at Stoneham Park
The starter: Major Campbell
The judges: Mr Andrews and John Willis Fleming
Five days later, on 3rd August 1914, Great Britain declared war on Germany.
(Photos: The Willis Fleming Historical Trust.)
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